Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Cute Thrift Store Finds

Have you ever been shopping at your favorite thrift store, boutique and saw a couple of things that interested you but passed them up? That is exactly what happened to me the other day.  I had went back to the boutique to gather a couple of pieces of pottery that I had passed up previously.  Thinking tablescapes, I became inspired to collect mismatched pottery pieces to use in the summer on the porch for tacos and other fun Tex-Mex dishes. So besides getting my dishes I saw a cute, shabby chic quilt, a hand knitted apricot sweater, and funky red and black plaid flats.  I guess I decided to be frugal and not splurge on extras.  That evening I began to think about the cute quilt, sweater and flats that would be so cute with black tights and a gray sweater. Oh that quilt would be so cute to throw over the back of the porch swing, something to cuddle in while drinking coffee on cool mornings. Oh what about the cute apricot sweater, I could add some crocheted trim and some ribbon, too cute. PANIC! In the morning I decided I would call the store.  When I was on my plan time I gave them a little ring. The lady there chuckled and said I was in luck and she put the little red flats up for me. I was kind of embarrassed and decided I would take a chance on the other items being there.  I mean really, could I ask her to fill a shopping cart for me?  After a very long day.....trip to the doctor, strep test, strep positive results, pharmacy wait, I was able to pick up my darling shoes! I also picked up a few more items....

I was literally skipping when I left the store.  My husband, good husband he is, had brought me into town to do my shopping.  He popped the trunk and never said a word about all the additional goodies.  After all these years, he knows me well.  As always when I get home, I have to show off my treasures.  The little chick dish was a hit with husband.  How could it not, it is a chicken, we have chickens and it was $1.

I am home on a sick day.  I have to be on antibiotics 24 hours before being in contact with my kiddos again. So I am watching movies, playing on the computer, eating a little left over Chinese and ignoring all the housework I could be doing. Well, I am sick!

I noticed that someone recommended me on Google.  That is exciting.  I haven't put up a counter for visitors yet, or listed my favorite blogs.  I wanted to have a few posts going before I started getting Posies and Picots out in the public eye. Hmm, maybe it was my mom that recommended me, anyway thanks for stopping in and tell all your friends! I do promise to do that sweater post, is includes some adorable ideas about crocheted buttons!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Welcome to Posies and Picots

Welcome to Posies and Picots!  I am not new to the blogging business, actually I have been blogging for about 15 years.  The last blog I had for a couple of years was Hickory Hollow ~ At Home in the Country.  You can still find that old blog here: Hickory Hollow.  That was a blog story about our move out to the country and building our new home.  Life became very busy, with new jobs and children growing up and then the whole problem of forgetting my old password and a hacked into email address. So I had to create a new blog. new creative adventure, count me in!

I am new to crocheting, but old to gardening.  I have loved flowers, veggies, and most importantly herbs for as long as I can remember.  I have been so fortunate to have a wonderful, creative mom.  My mom has quilted, sewed, cake decorated, painted furniture, made soap, crocheted, knitted, embroidered, appliqued, scrapbooked and her latest is creative adventure is broken china jewelry and bent silverware jewelry. Little did I know that when I started crocheting a little snowflake (reteaching myself after a bizillion years)

 I would find a new favorite hobby.  I would call it a "passion" but that sounds a little weird to my midwest sensibilities. I LOVE yarn. Maybe it is the texture, the colors, the comfort. Whatever it is, I am hooked!

This is where I am currently keeping my yarn stash. I had started putting it in a basket by the fireplace, but it began to overflow.  Plus I like just looking at my yarn.

Actually, I do have more yarn than this. It is in the closet a place I know other ladies hide their stash. I am inspired by Lucy over at Attic 24, to much yarn in all shades of color. Too bad I have to drive about 60 miles to get to the nearest store with more abundance of yarn than Wal-Mart.  Of course Miles had to jump into the cabinet while I was taking a picture of my newest project: THE SWEATER.  My next post will about this new project.  If you are anything like me, you like links to the patterns or inspiration and I will do my best to share.  I have discovered so many fun and unique sites and patterns by following links.  Guess that is another hobby!

Thanks for stopping in today to listen to a few ramblings.
